Kellie's Story
Building Resilience through Taking Risks and Following My Heart
Hi, my name is Kellie Malcolm and I hold space for you while you make the changes necessary in your life to have the life you dream of. I do this by Mentoring you. My version of Mentoring is to discuss where you’re at in your life now, where you want to be and we work together to uncover any blocks or disabling mindsets that might be holding you back.
I intuitively connect with you and your deeper Self and I am then guided to speak what you need to hear.
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If you would like me to help you, please click the link below to book a 45 minute breakthrough conversation to help you achieve your dreams. Kellie's Story
Even though I questioned farming practises for a long time, I never considered leaving the industry as it was a tradition for my family, and I had gained a lot of very useful skills.
I pressed on with my career, but my heart was definitely not engaged in my daily life.
I lacked purpose and direction and felt bound by responsibility, obligation and family tradition. All of these factors weighed heavily on me, but I was paralysed to do anything about it.
When I was in my early thirties and still working on the dairy farm, I chanced upon a book by Edgar Cayce titled “Psychic Sense”.
This book made a significant impact on my life and was a catalyst for opening up my spiritual awareness, and an understanding of something greater than myself and my physical body.
I began reading in this book about the idea of witnessing and harnessing our innate spiritual energy.
I would drive out to the far reaches of the farm in the ute, park under a willow tree and practice working with my energy by holding my arms in a circle shape, fingers almost touching, while focusing with a soft gaze on my fingertips.
I remember the elation and excitement of seeing my energy held in my aura for the first time!
I would love to say that I carried on with these practices and became skilled at using my energy, but I didn’t.
I got caught up in the daily struggles and worries of life and it took me another four years to finally leave the farm to move into town and work in a local pub.
At age thirty-seven, after many years of agonising over whether to carry on the family farm in the footsteps of my mother, I knew I had to leave to follow my true hearts calling. It was a difficult decision as my brothers had no interest in the farm so if I quit, the tradition ended with me.After leaving the farm many times to work in different roles as a livestock buyer and a dairy stock agent, it finally became clear to me that in order for me to follow my true heart’s calling (which I was unsure what that was) I had to leave the dairy industry altogether and be ok with not carrying on the family tradition.
I had agonised over this decision for going on twenty years.
When I left the farm, I left my lifetime home, my family, my career, my partner of the time, my friends and even my dog!
I was ostracised by many people, with nearly all members of my family unsupportive of my decision, as they all agreed I had lost my mind.
Friends and family dropped away, but this made space in my life for people who are as driven and committed as myself. I was changing my vibration and personal values, and I had to find or attract similar people.
Breaking free of my family roots, I slingshot myself out into the world waiting to see where I would land.
I went through a period of a lot of inner reflection, esoteric workshops, self-development workshops and plenty of deep down soul searching. I moved around the countryside many times and had two children thirteen months apart.
I found myself as a single mother with a five-week-old baby and a fourteen-month-old baby. These times were extremely hard and also at times exciting as I knew at some point I would feel out what I am on this magnificent planet to do, at this moment in my life.I grew up on a dairy farm in Northern Victoria, Australia. It was a fun childhood with lots of freedom, wild adventures and outdoor goodness.
My days often started early to feed the calves; then barefoot I would ride my pony to school. I spent my time swimming in the channels and dams, playing with the calves and helping with the work around the farm. As a youngster, I learned the value and rewards of hard work, how to be disciplined and make a useful contribution.
After my parents divorced when I was three years old, my mother, two brothers and I moved four hours away from my father. My mother bought a dairy farm as a single woman (a rarity at the time) and I learned early on how to be resourceful, hard-working and committed.
These are attributes that I have applied all throughout my life. This experience also proved to me that people can do whatever their heart desires if they put their mind to it and do the work necessary.
My parents were both passionate and successful dairy farmers who often took risks and made huge decisions that were groundbreaking for their time. They were very astute in business and modelled a go-getter attitude to me as a young woman, a quality that I have adopted in my own life.
When I was twenty-one I took off around the world and worked on dairy farms and horse farms all through the UK, Europe and North America. I was able to do this because of the resilience and independence I learned as a kid growing up on a farm with big responsibilities. I have also used these skills to walk away from my old life and completely start new. I am a master at this as I have done it several times in my life with great success. I spent four years travelling, and when I was twenty-five I became one of the first female Dairy Livestock Agents in Australia and the first female Dairy Livestock agent in Canada.From this moment on I was set on a journey of self-discovery.
In this time I have learned about boundaries, loving my Self, nurturing my Self first, nourishing my Self.I have learned to follow the things that light me up and let go of the things and people that don’t. I value my time and energy so much that I want it taken up with joyous things that fill my tank.
Following my bliss and joy has helped me gain clarity for what I want.
What I want is to help people also walk through the challenging doors that hold us back and to see new ways. Let go of the social or familial conditionings and go for your LIFE!
It is your LIFE after all.If my story resonates with you please contact me by clicking this link .
We can have a chat about kick starting your dreams. You are worth it!
Please send us your feedback!
kelliemalcolm© 2025